Learn the countries of Southeast Asia through this “Let’s Learn Southeast Asia Unit Study.” This Teacher’s Guide will help you study the eleven independent countries of Southeast Asia, namely Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
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The first lesson in the Unit Study gives you an overview of Southeast Asia, such as its overall history, culture, economy, and the role of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The succeeding lessons will give you information about each country’s official name, capital city, type of government, size of country, official language and languages spoken, national flag, and population size as of 2024. You will also see where the country is located in the Southeast Asian region. Each lesson will also feature the brief history, geography, economy, biodiversity, food culture, and famous landmarks you should visit.
The Full Unit Study comes with a Teacher’s Guide and four workbooks:
- Level A is for Preschool to Kinder
- Level 1 is for Grades 1 and 2
- Level 2 is for Grades 3 and 4
- Level 3 is for Grades 5 and 6
To enhance your child’s learning, this Unit Study has a total of nine subject focuses distributed across these workbooks. These are Arts, Culture, Economy, Geography, History, Language Arts, Math, Politics, and Science.
This Southeast Asia Unit Study is in line with DepEd’s Matatag Curriculum. By accessing and downloading this file, you agree to use it only for your personal homeschooling needs. You can print the Teacher’s Guide and Workbooks as many times as you need in your family. But we also ask you to help us protect our intellectual property rights. Since this is copyrighted material, please do not share this file with others. If you need to use it for a classroom or school setting, please contact us for a special arrangement. Your commitment will help us pay our staff and continue creating quality products you can use for your homeschooling. Thank you and may God bless your learning activities.
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