
I am a Filipino: Social Studies for Kinder to Grade 2 | Unit 3: Country


Unit 3 of the “I am A Filipino” Series is about Country. Your students will learn how the Philippines became a country and what its official national symbols are. They will also learn about the country’s 18 administrative regions, its diverse culture, and its tropical climate. Through this material, your students will also acquire knowledge about the Philippines as an archipelago, especially the seas and islands marking its territory; and its main landforms; its bodies of water; and its biodiversity. To make learning fun and memorable, this Unit also contains nine short stories, featuring the adventures of Dakila and Reyna, and their two kids, Alon and Almira, who launched a series of trips to different provinces around the Philippines. These short stories will impart additional information about the country.

108 Pages | 25 Activities | Printable in A4 and Letter-size

Click here to download a sample lesson.

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I am a Filipino, Social Studies for Kinder to Grade 2. Unit 3 of the “I am A Filipino” Series is about Country. Your students will learn how the Philippines became a country and what its official national symbols are. They will also learn about the country’s 18 administrative regions, its diverse culture, and its tropical climate. Through this material, your students will also acquire knowledge about the Philippines as an archipelago, especially the seas and islands marking its territory; and its main landforms; its bodies of water; and its biodiversity. To make learning fun and memorable, this Unit also contains nine short stories, featuring the adventures of Dakila and Reyna, and their two kids, Alon and Almira, who launched a series of trips to different provinces around the Philippines. These short stories will impart additional information about the country.

Through this Unit, it is our hope that you and your family will revive an interest in visiting more places in the Philippines. Touring the different provinces of the Philippines will help promote ecotourism, and will give your family a bigger picture of our beautiful country.

Click here to download a sample lesson.

108 Pages | 25 Activities | Printable in A4 and Letter-size

Here are the links to the earlier Units in the I am a Filipino, Social Studies Series.

Unit 1: Identity

Unit 2: Community

This series is in line with DepEd’s Matatag Curriculum. By accessing and downloading this file, you agree to use it only for your personal homeschooling needs. You can print this as many times as you need in your family. But we also ask you to help us protect our intellectual property rights. Since this is copyrighted material, please do not share this file with others. If you need to use it for a classroom or school setting, please contact us for a special arrangement. Your commitment will help us pay our staff and continue creating quality products you can print at home.

May God bless your learning activities.


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