The “I am A Filipino” Series is a 3-part series on Social Studies for learners in Kinder, Grade 1, and Grade 2. The focus of Unit 1 is Identity. In this series of lessons, the student will learning about their identity as persons, and as members of a family, community, country, and as part of the environment. God is the source of our identity. Based on what the Bible says, a person’s identity is rooted on the principle distinguishing humans from other creatures: We are created in the image of God. Included in this unit are short stories to help illustrate each lesson.
76 Pages | 27 Activities | Printable in A4 and Letter-size
Click here to download a sample lesson.
Understanding our identity from this principle is crucial for our children’s journey towards adulthood. In Proverbs 22:6, parents need to train up their children in the way they should go. The purpose of training is so when the children grow up they would remain on the right path. Children are easily swayed by those who want to take advantage of their innocence. But we can protect them from negative influences in the world today by leading them to the source of their identity – their Creator.
As creatures and image bearers of God, we see ourselves as mere stewards of life and creation. God has defined our identity as persons and has set limits on what we can become in this life on earth. At the same time, He provided all resources we can use to make the most of our identity during our limited time on earth, for His glory and for our good.
This series is in line with DepEd’s Matatag Curriculum. By accessing and downloading this file, you agree to use it only for your personal homeschooling needs. You can print this as many times as you need in your family. But we also ask you to help us protect our intellectual property rights. Since this is copyrighted material, please do not share this file with others. If you need to use it for a classroom or school setting, please contact us for a special arrangement. Your commitment will help us pay our staff and continue creating quality products you can print at home.
May God bless your learning activities.
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